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The Delhi Photo Festival
is India’s first international photography festival, a non-commercial venture to promote the photographic art, to be held from 15 to 28 October 2011. The festival is a joint initiative of Nazar Foundation and the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
For the entire 2 weeks of the festival there will be a number of Print exhibitions on the theme of Affinity spread across the open spaces of the India Habitat Centre and in all its major galleries. There will also be Digital slide shows and multi-media presentations in the evenings during the Opening Week from 15th to 22nd Oct. 11.
The List of Exhibitions/Shows – Print. Digital. Multi-media.
A truly international Photo Festival . . . look at the countries represented:
Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Egypt, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Italy, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and USA.
Please log on for Exhibitions/ Workshops/Portfolio reviews/Talks/Seminars and further info at
Pubblico sempre con grande piacere i comunicati che mi giungono da Samar S Jodha,
qui insieme al Dalai Lama, perchè ne conosco e ammiro la qualità e l’impegno. L’ avventura di questa prima edizione del Delhi Photo Festival da lui promossa non può che essere dunque un evento di grande interesse e qualità.
Samar S. Jodha accanto al Dalai Lama